Carolyn on KXSF 102.5fm San Francisco Community Radio May 24, 2022

Punk, garage and trash coolness with Carolyn
Punk, garage and trash coolness with Carolyn
The music only portion of the May 24, 2022 show.
Interview available separately and worth the listen.

Mission of Burma. Released: 1980
The Scientists. Released: 1979
The Psycho Surgeons. Released: 1978
Murphy & The Mob. Released: 1983
Russ Kruger & The Atlantics. Released: 1966
Jack Oblivian & The Tennessee Tearjerkers. Released: 2009
Blank Its. Released: 2013
Body Type. Released: 2022
The Battlebeats. Released: 2022
Chinese Junk. Released: 2022
Fatamorgana. Released: 2022
Delivery. Released: 2022
Wet Leg. Released: 2022
Sam Snitchy. Released: 2022
Billiam. Released: 2022
Black Doldrums. Released: 2022
CTMF. Released: 2019
Les Calamites. Released: 2022
Wild Zeros. Released: 2022
The Stinkbugs. Released: 2021
Flipper. Released: 1986
Flipper. Released: 1981
Flipper. Released: 1980
Dávila 666. Released: 2022
Golden Starlet. Released: 2022
CLAMM. Released: 2022
Snõõper. Released: 2022
Panic Shack. Released: 2022
Wine Lips. Released: 2021
Viagra Boys. Released: 2022
Würst Nürse. Released: 2022
Sprints. Released: 2022
Dr Sure's Unusual Practice. Released: 2022
Schoolgirl Bitch. Released: 2022
Jackson Reid Briggs. Released: 2022
Man A Monster. Released: 2022
Bauhaus. Released: 1980
Carolyn on KXSF 102.5fm San Francisco Community Radio May 24, 2022
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