Carolyn on KXSF 102.5fm San Francisco Community Radio April 19, 2022

Punk, garage and trash coolness with Carolyn
Punk, garage and trash coolness with Carolyn

The Saints. Released: 1977
The Reruns. Released: 1978
The Adverts. Released: 1977
The Dishrags. Released: 1980
The Try Cerz. Released: 1995
Temptations. Released: 1985
Rocky & The Riddlers. Released: 1983
Les Calamités. Released: 2022
Arre! Arre!. Released: 2022
Dr Sure's Unusual Practice. Released: 2022
Modal Melodies. Released: 2022
Esjaybe. Released: 2022
Fatamorgana. Released: 2022
Isotope Soap. Released: 2022
Halfheads. Released: 2022
Neutrals. Released: 2022
Johnnie Carwash. Released: 2021
Ty Segall. Released: 2009
Priors. Released: 2022
Da Groins. Released: 2022
The Real Distractions. Released: 2022
Marbled Eye. Released: 2022
Nervous Gender. Released: 1981
Bauhaus. Released: 2022
"Drink The New Wine" was recorded last year during lockdown with the four members sharing audio files. The track employs the Surrealists' 'Exquisite Corpse' device whereby each artist adds to the piece without seeing what the others have done. 'The exquisite corpse will drink the new wine."
Alice Bag. Released: 2022
Sprints. Released: 2022
Model Zero. Released: 2022
Erik Nervous. Released: 2022
Big Bopper. Released: 2021
Body Farm. Released: 2022
The Copy Scams. Released: 2013
Mad Mojo Jett. Released: 2022
The Neuros. Released: 2022
Why Bother?. Released: 2022
Vintage Crop. Released: 2022
Skid City. Released: 2022
Sniffany & The Nits. Released: 2022
Shooting Daggers. Released: 2022
Milt. Released: 2022
Slow Dawn. Released: 2022
Onyon. Released: 2022
Buck Biloxi. Released: 2022
Primitive Calculators. Released: 1986
The Chats. Released: 2022
Chemtrails. Released: 2022
The Courettes. Released: 2022
Sweet Knives. Released: 2022
The Bobby Lees. Released: 2022
Thick. Released: 2022
The Linda Lindas. Released: 2022
Jon Spencer & the HITmakers. Released: 2022
1-800-Mikey. Released: 2022
NOBRO. Released: 2022
Sexaphone. Released: 2022
The Hannah Barberas. Released: 2022
Lassie. Released: 2022
Bau. Released: 2022
Snõõper. Released: 2022
The Clams. Released: 1988
Carolyn on KXSF 102.5fm San Francisco Community Radio April 19, 2022
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